18 June - 10 of us started the day with a tour of the Bermuda Radio
facilities given by Steve who was working that shift. Then 6-7pm Goslings
provided tasting of their rums and of course allowing purchasing of bottles.
After that we had the Awards (Prize Giving). We recongized Juan Perez for
successfully doing the singlehanded leg, his 16th. Following we had a steak fry
put on by the dinghy club; we ate out on the deck looking out on the harbour.
Below is all the single handed skippers and the cake the Dinghy Club made for
16 June - Some of us went swimming at the beach near Blackbeard's Hideout. Afterwards 10 of us ate at Blackbeard's Hideout. A lot of the skippers ate down town for the evening meal.
15 June 1400 - The final results are posted. In the evening The Gombey Dancers put on a demonstration of their art for us and afterwards Brenda put on a Fish Fry for 40 people.
15 June - 0116 Trouble No Trouble text "I'm about 12 nm off kitchen
shoal. I imagine i'll be in the cut around 3 am. Enjoy the Swizzle. See
you in the morning.
can see that Trouble No Trouble is approaching the finish
however he doesn't have his ears on.
0430 Trouble No Trouble finished and with that the first leg is complete!
14 June - Results corrected for Bluebird and Corvus due to incorrect
0845 Trouble No Trouble text "I've got the Genoa patched, sewn and held
together with sail ties. All is well. I'm going to just sail hard for
Bermuda. Best wishes.
0910 806 email "Everything remaining the same (yeah right) my GPS is
giving me a provisional finish eta of 16:35 tomorrow."
1648 Trouble No Trouble text "I'm about 50 miles out, I'm limping my way
to the finish line. All is well. I aim for a 3 am finish but good sailing and
luck could make that 0130 -0200 (Roy Comment "not quite"). I'll check in around
2000 unless the chef is serving that 16 ounce porterhouse and mashed potatoes he
promised. Wait, they make that in freeze dried??? Oh for a nice cheeseburger..."
2014 806 finished!
2157 Bolero called in approaching the finish.
2214 Bolero reported finish. Looks like Trouble No Trouble
will finish in day light morning tomorrow.
1800 While these three boats (806, Bolero, Trouble No Trouble)
were still racing 20 people except one volunteer (Eric stayed to man the comms) enjoyed
an evening at the Swizzle Inn with food and of course pitches of rum Swizzle.
13 June Draft results are
1152 Yeah Baby finished.
1509 Gryphon finished.
St-Pierre & Miquelon is 2.5 hrs behind Gryphon.
1706 St-Pierre & Miquelon finish.
2100 Trouble No Trouble text "Conditions are nice but I'm sailing slow
because of a ripped headsail. As you know, Rodolphe si finishing and Tony is
about 30 mi ahead of me. At this rate I may have a Saturday finish. All is well,
I'm just a little frustrated and disappointed, but will be in the onion patch.
13 June 0530: Zipporah finished around midnight, actually 2353
0334 Lark finished.
Sieriana is docked at the town dock after clearing customs last evening.
Dirigo, Wild Goose II, Zipporah and Lark anchored waiting to clear
customs this morning starting at 0700 (EDT).
Velocity Girl about to finish about 6:30.
0530 Corvus hailed 1.5 hours out with Flying Turtle behind him.
0651 Flying Turtle finished with Velocity Girl near behind and Corvus
near behind Velocity Girl. Between the 3 boats finishing and 4 boats at anchor
we will be busy docking for a while.
0745 Corvus finish.
0931 Bluebird finish with Yeah Baby next and Gryphon after that.
Trouble No Trouble text "I'm texting in that everything is well. Wind is
11 knots but I can barely make 2.5. Maybe the seagrass?? No complaints though.
Tony and Rodolphe e-talked by text and they are fine."
12 June 2000: Lark text "35 miles out from turning the corner 245T 8 kts."
Zipporah text "Ops NORMAL!"
806 email "Slow day trying to crawl out of windhole. Just been working my
way round a thunderstorm. Was visited by a Bermuda Fairy? Tern while becalmed.
Getting closer. Not sure of the name if the bird. Has lovely long yellow tail."
2104 Zipporah announces 3 hours to finish.
2139 Dirigo finish
2242 Wild Goose II finish
12 June 0800: Tight looking finish for Class 5 the Class 40s.
Lark text "Ck in, 254T 13 kts. Just had a chat with Flying Turtle, all ok."
Zipporah emailed "Ops NORMAL!"
Corvus emailed "All's well, Wind 13 kts at 268"
Trouble No Trouble called in,
but the conversation with him was very short because the transmission was cut
off. But he says that he is doing good, always doing good, though stated that it
just figures that after putting up with three days of 25+ knots of wind, he is
now essentially becalmed. Shortly after that comment, communication was cut
Marauder texted that he is about 2 hours from finish at 0720.
Evidently I can hear them on VHF and they can't hear me. Not as high up as
Bermuda Radio.
Dirigo emailed "What a difference a day makes. From getting our heads
kicked in in the stream to just beautiful champagne sailing today. Totally
exhausted but well and enjoying the day. Have been in regular contact with
Zipporah. Nice to hear a friendly voice once in awhile. Just heard from Wild
Goose, he's doing fine as well. SW has me arriving around 2100 tonight. See you
Seriana emailed "I've failed at my job. Once again, can't reach any one
for a morning check in. Seriana is fine, nice day, 10 k breeze, SW lots of
showers, alternating with sun."
Abilyn emailed "I’m trying to chase these Class 40s down! About 35 miles
to northeast breakers, then another 6 to the finish. Went through multiple sail
changes this morning at around 0445 to keep the boat going fast in a light,
clocking breeze. J3 to code zero to A3 to J3 to J1. Settled with the J1 (156%),
which is keeping me going at around 8 knots VMG. Hope to see you folks in a few
0850 Dragon finished
0859 Marauder finished
0913 First Light finished
1107 Privateer finished
1036 806 text "Died (wind) at 2am. Been chasing cats paws from
cloud to cloud. Now no wind at all. Doing some housekeeping, hot shower, shave,
1410 Abilyn finshed.
1826 Seriana finished
11 June 2000: Dirigo emailed "All is well. Looks like a B line to
Bermuda. Looking forward to getting there."
Lark text "winds 247 at 15 kts.
Marauder text "Just wanted to check in as I haven't been able to raise
anyone in my class for 2 check ins. Everything is good here, about 100 nm out.
Corvus emailed "All's well. Nobody reachable on radio net. Winds 17 kts
at 246 . seas ,swells 2-3 ft"
Zipporah emailed "Ops NORMAL!"
Seriana emailed "I tried around 7 pm, but couldnt raise anyone. Seriana
is fine, it was a beautiful day, there were some significant rain showers. Wind
held steady at 10-15 south west."
Gryphon emailed "I saw and heard from Bluebird today. He confirmed that I
am still broadcasting AIS which was a pleasant surprise. No one else from our
class was in contact. I am doing ok without my electronics."
Trouble No Trouble called: Brian Gray says that all is well with
him. He is beating in SW winds that are still blowing 25+ kts, which is what he
has been experiencing for most of the race. He would love the wind to shift a
bit so that he could crack off and eat. He does not have any solar power, so he
is conserving his batteries by hand steering. But he says that the weather has
improved from what it had been. He has been texting regularly back and forth
with both Rodolphe Victorri and Tony Leigh, the two other minis, and they
reported to him that they are both doing OK as well.
11 June 1200: Corvus emailed "All's well. Had a bumpy and fast ride
through the GS Meander last night. Had a brief chat with Lark at 0700. He
reports all's well."
Aggressive called via Krsten Wenzel that he has turned back for RI. Lots of
reasons but Ray is wet but OK.
Trouble No Trouble called in at 0822 saying that he is having a great
morning and that all is good onboard. He is through the Gulf Stream with a
heading towards BDA, and is hoping for a SW wind so that he can kike everyone's
Dragn emailed "No radio contact from other boats this morning. Late email
cuz I have been on deck yachting. I took a gamble last night at 0230 and
went back over on the other board. It meant heading SW and worse VMG but it took
me to the shift and gave me better angle. The gamble is that by giving up
2nd place and 5 some odd miles to Marcus I will not only get those back but also
have a shot of catching Privateer. The next 4 or 5 hours will make or break the
Abilyn emailed " Not where I thought it would be. As much as I would have
loved to finish with no autopilot and no instruments, I got them working again
(after disconnecting my Garmin displays from the mast). That was causing the
whole system to crater out. Got back all pertinent boat data and, most
importantly, autopilot."
806 emailed "All ok. Contact established with Brian. Bumpy night with
solid 25-30 apparent. Finding it hard to get the boat balanced today. Big chunks
of weed on the rudders don't help. Now well out of Gulf Stream but I missed the
ride south on the meander I think.
Seriana emailed "I did hear from Flying Turtle at 8:15 am, he said hes
limping along"
11 June 0600: Abilyn a a series of emails "Autopilot computer down on
Abilyn. Trying to figure out problem. Hove to. Cannot repair pressing on for
now. Full electronics malfunction. Electricity is working. But no nav
instruments. Can not identify issue. Boat can still be sailed...250 miles to
Bermuda. Update: have jury (Jerry?) rig working on the autopilot. Bungees
attached to spin sheets going through spin blocks to winches. Keeping sails full
and me pointed to Bermuda.
Lark text - wind 210 at 16 kts.
Gryphon text - lost autopilot (have Monitor wind vane). Lost halyard to
Solent. Still proceeding to Bermuda.
(Roy comment: tough night!)
Wild Goose II called - said he is near the rhumbline (25 miles) after
just exiting the Gulf Stream. Reports that the wind is SW at 20 kts, and the
seas are much calmer now that he is out of the stream. No sun, but he hoping it
will come out so that he can start to dry things out. Has been unable to raise
anyone on his UHF radio.
Flying Turtle I guess Murray solved his problem, he is trekking on to
10 June 2000: Lark sent text "187T at 16 kts.
Zipporah emailed "Ops normal"
Gryphon emailed "I have just been in touch with Bluebird. He has lost his
Iridium GO!. He asked me to contact you so you can contact his wife Jan and let
her know he is alright except for “lumpy seas.” I can try and relay a msg back
to him if you or Jan would like but this is the first time I have been within
radio contact of him. I did confirm that we are both on stb tack. I get text
msgs faster than emails."
Dragon emailed "All good out here. Was only able to get Marauder on the
VHF during chat, but I can see him about 2 miles away. He is doing well.
The wind dropped to 10knots or so and clocked to the south. We both tacked on
the shift since it made the other board more favorable. Now it's just a matter
of waiting for a forecasted shift to southwest that should lift us right towards
the finish line.
Lots of weed out here, robbing me of speed. As soon as you back down, more
accumulates. I did. Ot see much in the stream but its everywhere south of the
stream. That's all for now.
Highlander call said that Mike Chapman will be going to Block Island to
meet up with Jon to help him sail back to either Newport or Tiverton.
Trouble No Trouble called in at 1908 hours. He is fine and said that all
is well with him. Wiring repairs to electrical panel are “superb.” Has not been
able to raise Tony Leigh, but has been texting Rodolphe Victorri, St-Pierre &
Miquelon, regularly, and he is also doing just fine.
Seriana emailed "I couldnt raise anyone in any class. Seriana is fine, a
little damp from lots of rain showers. wind 14 k shifted to south, seas
Corvus emailed "all's well. spoke to gryphon but garbled transamission.
appears he's doing well. wind 19 kts at 203 degrees."
Flying Turtle Murray's wife called to say that Murray has turned around
and headed back to home. He found a rudder bearing leak and decided to
handle it at home. Number 8!
10 June 1600: Wild Goose II emailed "Everything good here. just
approaching the end of the Gulf Stream. No unusual weather or sea states.
Entering the last 300 plus miles."
Cepheus emailed "Will be back in Boston by 7pm. Marianne brought me a
plane ticket and we will both come down on Wednesday and spend time at the beach
the bar and with the B1-2. Advil and as much rest as possible while sailing is
really helping the back and ribs after getting slammed into the corner of the
stove by a big broadside wave yesterday morning - part of the reason for turning
Nimros called: Doug turned around because he said he experienced multiple
equipment failures which made him feel uncomfortable about continuing the race.
His wind vane would not latch properly, while his other two sets of
self-steering gear failed as well. He also had problems with his Genoa
roller-furling, so that he was unable to shorten sail when the wind started to
blow 25kt+. (That was the reason we saw him change tacks twice yesterday – he
was trying to clear it.) He was finally able to resolve the furling issue, but
once he finally straightened it out and started to head south again, he
discovered that he was only able to sail on starboard tack because when sailing
on port tack, the furling gear somehow hung up on the bow pulpit. Other than
being a bit battered from being tossed about – sustaining some minor cuts and
bruises – he is fine, and at 1209, he was 5 miles out of Newport on his way back
to East Greenwich.
Trouble No Trouble called into the Duty Desk: yet another short and
garbled phone message from Brian Gray. He said he was into the Gulf Stream and
that everything with him is fine. I think I made out that he had been in contact
with Rodolphe Victorri on Shanawdithit, and that he was doing fine as well.
Zipporah emailed that he is doing fine.
Highlander emailed "As you most likely know by now I am sad to report I
am retiring. Got 280 miles out. Went to charge bats and oil alarm came on. Did
some investigation in very difficult conditions and I think the engin seemed up.
Totally bummed. On my way home. Most likely late Wednesday."
St-Pierre & Miquelon emailed "Everything ok. A bit wet. Wind 090 20/25.
Nobody around. From 830. Good night."
10 June 0800: At Logan waiting for my flight with Ted. Flow
called to say he has too many things to sort out with the boat before he trys to
do the race again and decided to withdraw and headed back to Maine.
Highlander called and said he is heading back also. The oil light
came on last night, he shut it down and this morning the motor wouldn't start.
He says the conditions are challenging with squalls.
806 emailed: "esterday was very rough and windy did not spend much time
below deck because of violent motion of boat. Had a good night, caught up on
some sleep. Chatted with Bolero who is saying this is the longest trip he has
done! He must be close or he has a very powerful radio. Can hear Corvus but he
can't hear me." Nice to hear Juan is talking to other boats.
Wild Goose II called that he was just entering the Gulf Stream, and that
all is well with him.
Corvus emailed "Chatted with Bolero who is saying this is the longest
trip he has done! He must be close or he has a very powerful radio. Can hear
Corvus but he can't hear me. all's well did not reach anybody at 7 am radio call
in. In the stream getting 3.5 kt favorable current. bumpy ride. twd 156 m. 19
Dragon emailed "All good on Dragon. Heard from First Light, who has a
damaged maIn sail batten receptical that he is working on but otherwise is good.
Its blowing 16 from the SE, and we are beating due south. Out of the Stream at
this point.
Seriana emailed "I could not raise anyone. all good with seriana although
some slow going out west. winds south south east 12 k, seas lumpy"
Abilyn emailed "Didn’t connect with anybody at checkin. Earlier in the
afternoon, I have 4 knots of favorable current in the meander, but boat-breaking
conditions with wind against current: short chop, lots of hard falls off waves.
I seemed to have found refuge to the west, but with not as much current. I’ll
take it! Heading back towards rhumb. I'm too far west. Would love if I could
crack off at some pint and level out. It's been on the nose since castle hill.
Didn't hear from anybody at this morning's check in. But I see from YB data that
flying turtle is to the east and close. Those guys made up time last night by
being farther east.
Bluebird emailed "No contact it’s anyone else." All is good.
St-Pierre & Miquelon emailed "Everything ok. A bit wet. Wind 090 20/25.
Nobody around. From 830. Good night
9 June 2000: Corvus emailed "as not able to establish radio contact with
any other class 4 boats at 1900.
All well on Corvus. Wind 19 kts at 087 M.
wavves 3-5 ft. estimated".
Trouble No Trouble called that he hasn't heard from anyone. Also his
solar panel is not working and will work on it over night.
Seriana emailed "couldn't raise any class 2. Flow is 5 mi dead
ahead of me. we talked and hes fine. He couldn't raise anyone either since
Flying Turtle in am. All good on Seriana, cracked off, after lumpy morning close
hauled. pleasant
afternoon with good breeze , now for the gulf stream.
Lark texted wind is 85 degrees 16 kts.
Corvus emailed "just chatted with gryphon and 806. both doing well"
Dirigo emailed "All is well on Dirigo. Still sailing with reefed jib and
main. Hard to move about the boat. My shoes that I bought are slipperier than
ice skates. We can have a bruise contest when we get to the island. GPS says
that I should hit my entry point of the top of the stream around 2300. Hoping
that the winds get away from the bow soon so that we can have a smoother sail.
So much for light conditions. I've been hard on the wind since we left. This
morning the wind kicked up to around 19kts. so to make the ride smoother I put
in a double reef. Wind finally backed to more out of the east hope it stays that
way so that I can climb back up towards the rhumb and my waypoint for the
stream. Other than that things are well on Dirigo. Talked to Zipporah, He has
only been monitoring ch16 for AIS purposes. That's where I got him. I told him
to scan 13,16, & 72. He's well and says that he's been having intermittent SAT
phone trouble. Told him his wife wants him to continue.
Dragon emailed "Sunday evening update. Could only raise Marauder on VHF
and broken transmission at that. He reports all Ok. All is good on Dragon. Still
close hauled, in 15 to 19. Wind is a bit shifty. Skies are overcast and air
temps are relatively cool for water temps of 77. Fully in the stream and getting
a 1.5 to 2 knot push. Its uneven or filimentous as Frank would say. Time for
some freeze dried.
Zipporah emailed that he is OK.
9 June 1530: Nimros is back on course to Bermuda. No idea why the
zig. Cepheus is heading back home; his rig has a problem and his
sat phone isn't working (hailed Corvus on VHF) but he is quite fine.
Caroline is on his way home; autopilot failure.
Finally was able to reply to 806. He is in contact with Rodolphe.
Finally heard from Abbilyn via email. Evidently he had it set up
wrong but fixed it. "I thought it was going to be light! All are doing well. I’m
currently in a J3 and reefed main in 20-22 knots and a lumpy sea state
approaching the meander.
Alchemy emailed: "I’m proceeding to Newport under own power. CG dropped
the rudder out so I could use the erudder. Sorry I’ll miss the fun!"
Zipporah emailed: "Did talk with Caroline last night"
9 June 1116 Caroline - "autopilot failure, may turn back home."
Looks like he did.
Nimros is heading back but he hasn't contacted us.
9 June 0800 - The following was reported:
Cepheus - Lark and Cepheus checked in at 7am. All well on both boats
although the ride is bumpy. cheers
Lark - Wind 116, lots of bangin off waves. 16 kts 117 degrees.
Alchemy - The fishing line hit the boat while I was looking at radar and
sailing about 7.5 knots. It ripped the rudder out of both bearings. I’m taking
on water but the hole is above the waterline so it’s manageable. Alas the wiggly
rudder overpowers my emergency rudder when I either sail or power, so I’m
waiting for a coast guard tow. I’d appreciate your putting a status update on
the website so my friends that are tracking know I’m ok. One of those unlucky
Cepheus emailed: I heard from Cepheus and Lark relayed through flying
Turtle. All good, no issues. same here with Seriana. 15 k wind lumpy seas.
Yeah Baby text: Things are very bumpy out here. I have a first reef and
115% for a jib. 20 knot wind close hauled.
Dragon emailed: It's gotten more sporty at the front end of the fleet.
Winds are now are low 20s with puffs to 25 and we are close hauled into a short
choppy wave state which is making the slamming increase. Nothing horrendous but
its wet and a bit uncomfortable. On the plus side it's clear skies and things
are warming up. Everything is good on Dragon, and I heard from Marauder and
Privateer during the morning chat. All good there. I also heard from Kyle around
0100 or so. He had blown out his solent and was turning around to head back to
Trouble No Trouble - 22 kts close hauled, lumpy. Heard from Rodolphe but
not from 806. Tried texting 806 sat phone but no reply.
Corvus - 0830 hours Winds 17 knots at 121 magnetic. Course 185. Seas
somewhat lumpy with water coming into cockpit occasionally. Missed radio call at
0700, was busy retrieving my code zero after my carbon fiber sprit failed .
Retrieved sail I damaged sail successfully and retrieved sprit pieces.
9 June 0555 - Impulse left a message that we could not understand. Realized he was on the way back to Newport moving pretty good. Called Kyle back. Still had a hard time understanding via the sat phone but he said something about having to get a new main and jib.
9 June 0130 - Alchemy called me that his rudder caught a fishing line and that it broke his rudder. Took his sails down and will wait till the morning to investigate more and switch to his emergency rudder and head back to Newport, RI. He is fine otherwise. USCG First District Command Center Boston, Marine Safety Office and Tracking was alerted to his status.
8 June 2000 - The following was reported tonight:
Corvus called that he has heard from Bluebird, Nimros, Gryphon and
Bolero. Gryphon is having autopilot problems but the wind vane is working
fine. Wind is 138 at 14 kts. All good. Nice sailing.
Dragon emailed: All good out here. The five Class40s are all in visual
range. Moving well, close hauled in breeze from 10 to 14. Shifting through 20
degrees or so. No boats reporting issues, couple of whales sited by one boat.
Seriana text: have reports from all class 2 except Zipporah. All are
doing well, beautiful afternoon.
10-12K close
hauled, Lark leading the pack.
Dirigo emailed: Having instrument
electronics problems. Working through them. Otherwise, all else is good and nice
sailing along close hulled trying to climb or stay close to the rhumb. I will
attempt to send this out later tonight. It's 1440 now.
Caroline text: Hello hello all is well here. Class 3 reporting.
Aggressive is all good, yeah baby is all good, he just switched his headsail
from 150 to the 115. I also spoke to wild goose and alchemy. Everybody reported
great sailing, no known problems. Once again all good great sailing 9 knots of
wind. Highlander also checked in and is doing great. Zipporah also a.o.k.
Lark text: Ck in. Wind 125 10 kts.
8 June 1400 - And they are off. The day started with
breakfast and Doug Mann's wife being taken to the hospital in the ambulance with
kidney stones. Doug made it to the starting line in time for his Class 2 staart. Mary is doing well. Mary is supposed to do leg 2 with Doug.
We had a nice light but strong enough to race wind out of the NE and N.
There was racing all around us; Leukemia Cup, Sail Newport Youth Championships
and New York YC IC37s! All the starts went off without a hitch however
Victory Girl decided to liven the race up by starting 1 minute earlier than
his class was supposed to start and with the spinnaker up. Get confused on
the various horns? So they are on the way and expect to hear from some of
them tonight after their 7pm chat time. All 28 boats started.
RC was made up of Erick Langley (driver), Roy Guay (timer & radio), Roger
Fontaine (horn), Caryn Cummings & Cathy Singsen (flags), Jane Fontaine (checkin)
and Bill Shea (pictures).
7 June - Skipper's Meeting was held at the Newport Yacht Club. Frank Bohlen gave another update brief of the status of the Gulf Stream and Joe Sienkiewicz gave a brief on what to expect for weather (lots of Highs and week Lows). Tomorrow we start at 1100 EDT.
6 June - We had an amazing turnout for the Skipper's Send Off Party. Past skippers that weren't even racing came down. Thanks for making it quite a success.
2 June - Rodolphe Victorri changed the name of his boat from Shanawdithit to St-Pierre & Miquelon.
1 June - The calendar has been updated to include the activities in Bermdua.
1 June - NOR Amendment 2 has been posted for the new team trophy, The Jeff Spranger Team Trophy.
31 May - Frank Bohlen sent us the second note on the Gulf Stream. Boy has it changed.
30 May - The race viewer is now up however not all data is up yet. Click the menu item Tracker Map just under "Home" on the left.
8 May - Frank Bohlen has provided an analysis of conditions on the Rhumb Line Npt-Bda. Download
22 April - Frank Bohlen's links have been posted from the March Skippers' Forum/Shore Party.
Potential Skippers For 2019 - Bert Barrett, Murray Beach, Jonathan Bixby in his Tarton 3500, Robert Brown in a new to him Freedom 44 (another one!), Marcus Cochran in his newly acquired Class 40 Marauder, Fred Cosandey (maybe) on his new 44' boat, Murray Danforth, Sam Fitzgerald in Class 40 First Light, Jon Burt, Brian Gray on his mini Trouble No Trouble, Jonathan Green is his Class 40 Privateer, Roy Greenwald, Philip Haydon, Michaeal Hennessy in his Class 40 Dragon, Vernon Hultzer in his mini now called Thunder (alias Team WIchard), Eric Johnson on Dirigo, Tony Leigh on his mini 806, Rick McCally, Patrick McFadden, Tristan Mouligne in a Class 40 (maybe), John Niewenhous (last raced in 2005 in a J/120) in his Class 40 Loose Fish, Alessandro Pagani on Luna, Alan Paris on a new Figaro 3, Josh Reisberg in his J/120 (slight upgrade from the mini), Marc Rotenberg on Odyssey a 409 Jeanneau, Walter Rush in Gryphon another Morris Justine 36, Henry Schultz on his Pearson 40, Jason Seibert in his newly acquired Schock 40 Gamble, Craig Smith on his Catalina 380 "Yeah Baby", David Southwell in his J/121 Alchemy, Dan Stadtlander, Noel Sterrett, Gust Stringos, Chris Terajewicz, Dan Walsh, Stanley White in his Xc38 Lark.
Skippers that have done qualifiers: Walter Rush, Rick Rohrer, Marc Rotenberg, Alessandro Pagani, Craig Smith.
2 March 2000 - About 35 people participated in the
Skippers' Forum. People came from all over, RI, CT NY, MA and ME. We did the usual introductions of everyone present.
There were quite a few first time skippers present. Frank Bohlen gave us
his time and did a brief on the Gulf Stream and stressing the importance to
start watching the stream well before the start. Mike Hennessy gave as a
brief on his racing in the Route de Rhum where he finished 12th out of 35
finishers and 50 something starters. Many questions were asked of Mike and
it was an interesting Q&A period. Roy Guay gave a brief reminder on Safety
Check process and the calendar. Everyone, including the bar people, food
provided by Caryn Cummings, Jim Oblinger, Jody Sullivan and Donna Bouressa.
They showed up at the yacht club around 1000 during the snow storm to provide
the food for us. Frank Bohlen's
brief is now posted.
2 March - We are still planning on having the Skipper's Forum/Party 3:30 pm at the Newport Yacht Club. The yacht club is open and periodically plowed. It is snowing however the snow is only supposed to happen in the morning. However if you are uncomfortable driving to Newport we will understand.
6 February - The March newsletter is now posted.
13 January - Eight Bells to Bart Janney who passed away after a long battle with Parkinson's Disease.
1 January - Registration is now open online for this year's Bermuda One-Two race and we have our first entrant submittal.
2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9 2 0 1 9
5 December - An Amendment to the NOR was oisted,
6 November - The Notice of Race is now published and downloadable as well as the calendar.
3 November - Skippers' Forum/Shore Party. About 40 people attended. Absolutely wonderful to see so many people; new people not planning on doing the race (yet?), new people planning on doing the race next year and past skippers. Jon Green gave a pitch on how he prepares for the Safety Check. Jon is organized! I talked about the upcoming schedule and a few changes to the NOR. For example the flare requirements were reduced a little. Also we are planning an a Team Trophy called the Geoffrey Spranger Team Trophy. Details still being worked. The NOR should be published real soon now.
9 October - The October 2018 Newsletter has been posted.
2 August - Eight Bells for Jeff Spranger. Jeff
unexpectedly passed away, 85, today due to congestive heart failure.
17 May - Eight Bells for Bjorn Johnson. Bjorn passed away Tuesday. By my records he was 64 for last year's Bermuda One-Two race where he did the return leg with Noel Sterrett. Bjorn has done 5 B12 races on his own boats plus two returns with Noel Sterrett. Bjorn has been on our Offshore Committee for almost as long as I have been the chairman helping out with safety standards and doing many safety checks for the races. He will be missed. The following was just posted on Scuttlebutt:
2/6/2018 - The March newsletter is now posted. Online registration for the Offshore 160 and New England Solo/Twin races is now open.
2 0 1 8 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 8
12/18 - In the interest of sharing upcoming seminars and courses that we think may be of interest to our sailing community, please find a flier about a one-day lifesaving and life raft usage course. Please note that although the course is not until April 21, sign-ups must be received by mail before January 31 to guarantee a space. This course is very thorough and includes most of the hands-on portions not usually found in a typically course, which is unusual and one reason that we are sharing it. Severl Bermuda One-Two skippers have praised this course.
11/4 - About 40 people showed up for the fall Skippers' Forum/Shore Party at the Newport Yacht Club. Tristan Mouligne introduced to the crowed his potential 3rd generation skipper newly born Theo Patrick Mouligne. Congrats to both parents. Stanley Paris wasn't there but I mentioned that his new schedule is to leave 18 November for his 3rd attempt around the world this time in Kiwi Spirit II which he sailed in this year's Bermuda One-Two Race. Zach Lee emailed me that he couldn't make the meeting since he was at the St. George's Dinghy and Sports Club doing a delivery. Brenda says hi to us all. Joe Harris, past B12 skipper, gave a wonderful show and tell about his sailing around the world. Lots of discussion afterwards about his trip. Also lots of gab about everything to food from Caryn Cummings and Jim Oblinger. Robert Brown and Laura Reuter announced that their Freedom 32 Carina that they have raced in the past two races was destroyed in a recent local storm however they also announced that they have found a replacement boat; Freedom 44! The race has seen two other Freedom 44s in the past; Frog Kiss and Betelgeuse. Quite an upgrade for Bob and Laura.
Joe Cooper, representing Hood Sailmakers, announced that
it is the intention of Hood Sailmakers to renew their sponsorship of the
Newport Yacht Club/BDA1-2 races for the next four race cycle through New England
Solo Twin 2019. This incorporates the Offshore 160 and NE Solo Twin in 2018 and
the 2019 Bermuda 1-2 and the NE Solo twin for that year.
11/1 - Our own Peter McCrea awarded "Points East's Yachtsman of the Year". See article here.
28 September - The October Newsletter is now available. Joe Harris will brief us on his around the world trip on his Class 40!
7 August - The dates are set for the 2019 Bermuda One-Two.
Saturday 8 June - Start to Bermuda
Tuesday 18 June - - Awards in Bermuda
Thursday 20 June - Start to Newport
Saturday 29 June - Awards in Newport