1993 Bermuda One-Two Results

Singlehanded skippers raced from Newport to Bermuda, started Saturday, June 12, 1993.   The race back from Bermuda to Newport, started Thursday, June 24, was doublehanded.

    Singlehanded Leg
    Doublehanded Leg
    Perpetual Trophy Award Winners
    Scratch Sheet
    Notice of Race

Ancient Mariner:

Cruising World Trophy (presented to first elapsed time in fleet - single handed):

US Navy Seamanship Trophy (for outstanding seamanship):

Best Combined Total Elapsed Time:

Governor's Award (Rhode Island Entry with Best Elapsed Time):

Ocean Navigator Awaard (best navigational performance; skipper who showed most navigational enthusiasm):

Tom Gamon Award (skipper who persisted and pursued against all odds):

Charlie Carpenter Biermeister Award (last official finisher of the double handed leg):

Coddington Yachts Trophy (best elaplsed time overall):